Firefox 57 Quantum 11월 14일 발표.

Firefox 57 Quantum이 드디어 11월 14일에(미국 동부시간) 공식발표를 한다고 합니다. 그동안 크롬과 많이 대비되면서 그래픽 랜더링과 메모리 관리에서 조금은 부족했던 기능들이었지만, 이번 버전에서는 강력한 기능들을 제공함으로써 크롬의 아성을 무너뜨릴거라는 기대를 가진다고 합니다.

특히, 아래의 기능에 대해 더욱 큰 기대를 갖는다고 합니다.

- 그래픽 드라이버 충돌로 인한 브라우저 크래쉬 다운 방지

- Stylo CSS 엔진이 CPU 코어마다 작업을 분배시켜 CSS 로딩 속도 증폭

- 새로운 Quantum DOM에 의한 작업 처리로 전체적인 작업속도의 향상

▣ Firefox 57 Quantum 다운로드

이하는 해당 공개 발표 기사의 글입니다.

Mozilla is releasing the biggest update to the Firefox browser in years. Firefox 57 officially launches on November 14th, 2017 but beta versions have been available for a few months, and the stable release is already on Mozilla’s servers if you’re impatient.

The browser is getting a new user interface, but more importantly it has a bunch of new tools that Mozilla calls Quantum which make better use of multi-core processors to speed up the browser while also improving stability.

In fact, the changes are so big that Mozilla is calling the latest release Firefox 57 Quantum.

The company has been slow to fully adopt multi-process architecture. It’s something Google Chrome has had from day one, which is why Chrome has long been a faster web browser… although Chrome can also be a bit of a memory hog because of the way it assigns each browser tab its own process.

Mozilla added initial multi-process support to Firefox with the Electrolysis project that started rolling out last year. Quantum is the next step. Mozilla’s Lin Clark has a good overview of the changes in Firefox 57, but here are a few highlights:

A graphics driver crash won’t bring down the whole browser anymore.

The Stylo CSS engine speeds up CSS loading by splitting the work between CPU cores.

While more work is being split between different CPU cores, the main process still does a lot, and a new Quantum DOM helps prioritize tasks that are most likely to need doing first.

The result is that the web browser loads more quickly, renders content more quickly, and shouldn’t crash as often. Mozilla says the browser is twice as fast as it was a year ago, while using 30 percent less memory than Google Chrome.

In the future Mozilla is hoping to improve parallel processing so that multiple CPU cores can load different content on the same page, speeding things up even further. And a new Quantum Render project is coming next year. It will be able to speed things even further by leveraging modern GPUs.

Oh, and Firefox 57 is also the first version of the browser to use the new Photon user interface that includes square tabs, a new menu design, and a combined search bar and URL bar (although you can also separate them if you prefer the old school look).

Photon is also designed to work better on displays with high pixel densities and/or computers with touchscreen displays.

기사 번역


상기 FireFox에서 사용된 Quantum 기술에 대해서 쉽고 간결하게 설명한 글이 있어 같이 소개합니다.

Quantum 시대 – 어떻게 Firefox는 다시 빨라졌는가? 그리고 더 빨라질 것인가?


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